Friday, April 3, 2015

Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body, by Clementine de Montille

H E A L T H Y     M I N D    I N   A   H E A L T H Y   B O D Y



To understand the food industry, we went to visit the Whole Foods where we met Rich Howley, the manager. He explained us that Whole Foods market is considered to be a different model as traditional market. Whole food’s mission is to sell ethical product, which are certified. Whole foods must be transparent, credible and sustainable. That’s why, customers can see on each product from where they come from. Everything is organic and the goal is to maintain it. It’s means that products are fresh, natural without artificial colorings or additive. Products must meet specific criteria. In addition, everything should be recycled when it’s possible. The goal is 0% of waste, and to put nothing in the garbage. He showed us that even in the store, we could see that racks are made with wood, which has been recycled. Even in the wine stand, the floor is made with cork plug. It’s a way to use materials for ecologically- sensible purposes: reuse and recycle.

I asked him what were the main supply chain problems, and he answered that supply chain is a complex space. We have to consider sourcing, packaging, pricing, transportation, and traceability to the farm to fork. The problem is that all this long process is not always managed well.  This is why Whole Foods sells only organic products, which comes from reliable providers. They insure the high quality of the products. They don’t allow hydrogenated fats or artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or sweetness.  Whole Foods makes the decision to have standards and to educate customers. As an example they don’t sell Coca- Cola or Arizona products because there are too much additive in it. 

Rich Howley showed us the meat department and told us that the meat comes from animals raised with no antibiotics. The farmers with who they are partner are committed to animal welfare standards. Whole Foods carefully evaluate each product they sell.  They provide food, which are only products that support health and the well being of consumers.  He showed us the fishmonger’s, and told us that every product is fresh. Whole Foods wants to stop selling fish, which are overfished, and fish species considered endangered.
Organic food is becoming more and more important because people are aware about supply chain problem. Customers are expanding their knowledge of natural products. That’s why they want to be healthier, and to consume products, which are fewer chemicals. 

Another of the aspects dealt with the manager was volunteering. Whole Foods is involved in it. As an example, they give food to churches, and organization that combats hunger.  Annually each team does 4 hours of volunteering.  They raise money to give it in organization and help small business to grow up. 

Another activity we had, was to find out the best sellers in their departments and asked them why some items are at the bottom or at the top of the shelf, and others at the eye level. It was my favorite part of Whole Foods!  Personally, I asked three different sellers in their departments. The first one was the cosmetic department. The women seller told me that she put the products based upon the brand’s reputation.  

Then I went to the drinking department where she told me that the shelf is really colorful in order to attract the shopper’s attention to their product. She explained that brands have to obtained agreement with Whole food and pay them to have the best placement.  
The companies gave to pay to be at the top and have the best placement, and to avoid that competitors have the best place. I also asked the wine department. He told me that all the new products are highlighted. He told me that company hasn’t to make an agreement with whole foods to obtain a great investment income. To place the products on the shelves he had to follow the manager’s recommendation. Whole Foods don’t do like Mariano’s who place their products based on agreement with companies. In the vine shelving, providers use to change their label to catch customers, and change packaging. Products are classified according to regions and countries. In order to snag a spot on the shelves of whole Foods market, the products needs to fits the chain’s demanding quality standards and also the needs of its customers.  From this interview, I noticed that each seller didn’t have the same answer!

To end our day, we had the opportunity to meet a personal trainer who set up his own business. He published books about this because he is interesting about healthy mind and body.  He pointed us the importance to be able to market and connect with people. The food industry is based in service. We have to find a way to be connected with our customers. Unfortunately, many Americans continue to get sicker, fatter and less healthy with each passing year, and the big food corporations are going to keep becoming powerful. However, numbers of people in the USA people know they have to change their habits. It’s a competition with the industrial mass production. He wants to change the existing foundation people have. Nowadays, people are increasingly taking care of what they eat.  

He explained that to network with people, we have to give them interests, and ask them questions. However, he advised us to be flexible, and to have the ability to be adaptable. We should build trust and long-term relationship. Network is the only key. He told us that when he gave a meeting with many people about his business he used to give business card, and come to see people in order to create connection.  We have to email them, and follow them to keep in touch.  We have to think about connecting with somebody and create an experience with them.  As a personal training, he has to build up their trust. He told us that in one of his books he talks about 3 majors advises: awareness, acceptance, and adaptation in order to be successful.
From his opinion, volunteering is to figure out what we want to do all of our life. We must gain experiences in different industries and do things for other people. He’s goal is e to teach how we can buy a strong society. 

From this day, I learned how the food industry could be complex. Whole Foods has a vision of a sustainable future.
More broadly, it was interesting to understand from our speakers that volunteering and networking are aspects, which cannot be considered to be negligible for a success business!


  1. Hello Clémentine,

    You made a really good and complete summary of this day. I liked when you talk about networking. It's true that build and keep a good relationship is the key of a business success.
    But for you, what do you have to do to keep a relationship well through time and them keep your network in the right way ?

    1. Hello Cyrielle !

      Thanks for your comment. Currently to maintain good relationship I use to give some news to the employees I was working with. As an exemple, last june I did an internship for two months in a company where i created strong links. In order to keep it, I often go in the company to share a lunch with them !

  2. Thoughtful post, and good comment and reply!
